Special Occasions
Outings to local places of interest happen once a term and evoke much excitement from the children. At present, excursions to Helderberg Nature Reserve, Cheetah Outreach and Strand Beach are made each year, providing learning opportunities related to classroom themes and content. Parents are welcome to accompany their child’s class for the morning if they are available.
Each year, we invite back a number of our favourite guest visitors to present to the school, including Grandpa Graham the beekeeper (of ‘My Dad’s Honey’ fame), puppet shows, magicians, and more! Parents are also welcomed to talk to their child’s class about their area of work when it coincides with class content.
Fun Days
One of the highlights of the Happy Days school year are our fun days, an entire morning of games, prizes, raffles, treats, boerie rolls, a tea garden and more. Family and friends are all welcome to come join in the fun.
The end-of-year concert is a special way to round off the Happy Days year for the children and their families. Sets, props, costumes, makeup, singing, dancing, storytelling – it’s a spectacle not to be missed!